
Winter Holiday Ergo classes

During the winter school holidays there will be ergo training classes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from the 1st to the 19th July from 9am to 10:30am.

The purpose of these classes will be to build up aerobic endurance for the 2024/25 racing season with particular focus on junior athletes aspiring to Regional Representative Team selection.

Contact Hugh McLeod for more

Ph: 0403 703 026

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Annual General Meeting

Everyone should have recieved notification via email by now. In case you missed it, the Clubs AGM will be held on Saturday July 13 2024 @ 4pm, with club presentations to follow.

BoatHouse Cafe will provide finger food, drinks will be available so come along, support your club and have some fun.

Thursday Evening Ergo Classes 5:30pm

Every Thursday evening. 5:30pm unless otherwise advertised. A simple 40min session designed to improve basic technique and develop 2000m endurance.

Free to all members of Manning River Rowing Club. Only 4 spots available each week. Follow the Clubs Instagram and Facebook pages to keep updated.

Watch this instructional video made by Club Member Hugh McLeod for some insight into the session.

2019/2020 Regatta Calendar

Here are some important dates for season 2019/20. These dates make up the CDRA Regatta Calendar as well as a few key RNSW Regattas.

Date HostTypeLocation
11/08/2019PMRC3 Rivers Mini MarathonWilson/Hastings
21/09/2019NUBCPre IV RegattaBerry Park
22/09/2019ERCHenley on Hunter(RNSW)Berry Park
9-10-11/10/2019CDRACDRA Development CampBerry Park
13/10/2019LMRCDerbyLake Macquarie
19/10/2019MRRCCDRA Club RegattaTaree
20/10/2019MRRCHead of the Manning/Wilkes SheildTaree
26/10/2019NGSCDRA Club RegattaBerry Park
27/10/2019NUBCCDRA Club RegattaBerry Park
9/11/2019HVGSCDRA Club RegattaBerry Park
10/11/2019CDRACDRA Team Selection RegattaBerry Park
17/11/2019NRCCDRA Sprint ChampionshipsThrosby Creek
10-11-12/01/2020MRRC/PMRCTaree Summer RegattaTaree
25/01/2020RNSWRNSW Small BoatsSIRC
1/02/2020LMRCCDRA Club RegattaBerry Park
2/02/2020ERCCDRA Club RegattaBerry Park
7-8-9/02/2020RNSWNSW ChampionshpsSIRC
7-8/03/2020MRRCCDRA ChampionshipsTaree
22-29/03/2020RAAustralian ChampionshipsSIRC
18-19/04/2020RNSWTrickett Grade ChampionshipsSIRC
29/04/2020-2/05/2020 Australian Masters ChampionshipsTBA
23-24/05/2020RNSWNSW Masters ChampionshipsSIRC

Regatta Report PMRC Saturday 21st October

Saturday 21st October was the Port Macquarie Regatta at the 800m Warchope course and 10 members made the trip North to represent Manning River Rowing Club.

The scrappy duo of Colin Broos and Hugh McLeod, keen to make amends for the defeat to Newcastle at the NUBC regatta earlier this month, were the first to take to the water in the Men’s B Grade Double. Using the newly acquired double “227” Broos and McLeod got off to a great start leading early. Unfortunately, the boys fell victim to a stray course marker and found themselves a long way off course. The Newcastle combo capitalised on this pulling ahead for a narrow victory.

The next to race was the seasoned crew of Pauline Arnold, Nicole Pullen, Amanda Cavill and Narelle Drake stepping up to the B Grade Quad. The experienced Masters crew did well to stay close to the youthful NUBC crew finishing second. The same combination would later race in the D grade quad and finish 3rd ahead of NUBC and finish 2nd in the Women’s C grade Quad.

The first victory for Manning River was Nicole Pullen and Roy Halliday in the Mixed Double Scull. The pair took an early lead and held it the whole way in a full field to finish first by 4 seconds.

The Mix double was also the first race for New Member Leanne Irving. Irving teaming up with and gaining race experience from senior member Pauline Arnold for an induction into boat racing. Irving would later bravely race the Women’s D Grade Single. We all look forward to watching Leanne’s progress over the rest of the season.

The Men’s Masters combination of Graham Nix, Hugh McLeod, Colin Broos and John ‘Happy Jack’ Cross averaged out to an E category giving them an even start against Endeavour Rowing Club. With Nix in the stroke seat setting smooth rhythm Manning pulled away for an impressive 7 second win.

Manning had two starters in the Men’s Masters Single with Colin Broos giving an 11 second head start to Graham Nix. Nix maintained that lead from start to finish winning the event in fine form.

John Cross and Roy Halliday held their own finishing a close 4th in the Men’s D Grade Double.

In the Men’s Open Single Hugh McLeod was keen to make up for the embarrassing defeat at the NUBC regatta to Newcastle Sculler Ben Homer and he did not disappoint putting 15sec between himself and Homer to win the event also defeating NUBC’s Adrian Miegel.

Manning finished on a high note with the combination of Pauline Arnold, Amanda Cavill and Narelle Drake teaming up with Port Macquarie’s Debbie Gardner, Gardner substituting for Nicole Pullen who had to leave early. The Masters D crew starting off a 4 sec handicap quickly caught the Newcastle Crew that were off go and pushed ahead to win by 7 seconds and putting nearly 13 sec between themselves and the Endeavour crew that also started on 4 seconds.

The members worked well together to quickly load the trailer at the end of the day gaining some much needed nourishment by way of some delicious sausage rolls home made by Pauline Arnold.

A special thank you to Graham Nix for driving the trailer and also a big thank you to Club Captain Philip ‘Frog’ Walters for volunteering as the official starter for the regatta.

Next regatta will be the CDRA Sprint Championships held at Throsby Creek, Newcastle Sunday 26th November. For training tips leading into this fast paced sprint regatta contact Hugh McLeod on 0400 583 493 or Email

As ever volunteers are greatly appreciated. If you would like to volunteer the best way to start is Friday afternoons from 4:30pm when members meet to tidy up the shed and discuss all things rowing. These maintenance meetings are also the best way to keep informed of Club activities.

Regatta Report, NUBC Sunday 8th October

Last Sunday was the NUBC regatta at Berry Park. Manning River Rowing Club Members Colin Broos and Hugh McLeod made the trip early Sunday morning determined to get the season rolling and put some runs on the board for Manning.

First up the boys tested themselves, pushing outside their comfort zones by racing the Men’s B Grade Double. Col was pushed outside his comfort zone by racing the 1750m distance and Hugh was pushed outside his comfort zone by having Cols breath on his shoulder. The Scrappy duo held on for a respectable 2nd place just behind a very in tune combination from Newcastle Rowing Club.

It was a long wait until Col and Hugh’s next races in the Masters and Open Singles which gave the pair ample time to socialise and spruik the upcoming Australian Indoor Rowing Championships.

The next to race was Colin in the Men’s Masters Single. Despite the tide turning against the course the wind remained calm and provided flat water. The only disruption coming from a passing ski boat early in the race. Colin was able to overcome the wash while calmly and politely explaining his frustration to the ski boat driver all while making up the 23 second handicap to win the race.

The last race for Manning was Hugh in the Men’s Open Single. The incoming tide brought with it a lot of debris turning the race into an obstacle course. Hugh got in front early and lead for most of the race but it was a case of student out strips the master as Ben Homer of Newcastle Rowing Club, who Hugh had been mentoring, pushed ahead in the last 500m to claim victory leaving Hugh to settle for 2nd place.

The next regatta is the Port Macquarie Regatta Saturday 21st October with close of entries Monday 16th.

See full list of events on the Rowing NSW Regatta Calendar.

If you are interested in competing and want to know more contact Club Captain Phil Walters by messaging the Clubs Facebook page or by sending an email to

New Website, New Members & the Season Begins!

The new club website has now been live for a week and already Manning River Rowing Club is feeling the benefits.

So far, with the new online membership application the club has gained seven new members. If you have not yet renewed your membership for the year be sure to visit the membership section of the website to renew.

The first regattas of the CDRA season are set for the 9th and 10th of September with the Newcastle University Pre IV regatta and the Henley On Hunter Regatta both at Berry Park. Entries close on Tuesday 29th August. be sure to let Club Captain Phil Walters know before then of your intentions to enter or email to

Manning River Rowing Club Program Season Objectives

All objectives listed under program titled are to be achieved by the end of season 2017-18.

Learn to Row

  • Engage 50 people through weekend learn to row classes
  • Conduct at least one week long recruitment drive during a school holiday period

Recreational Program

  • Have a group size of 12 active non-competitive members
  • Have an eight paddling at least one weekday afternoon and one weekend morning regularly

Junior Competitive Program

  • Have at least 4 junior men and 4 junior women competing at CDRA regattas
  • Enter a Junior Men’s Quad and a Junior Women’s Quad in any of the junior age categories at CDRA Championships
  • To have achieved one junior medal from any boat class at CDRA Championships

Senior Competitive Program

  • Enter a Men’s and a Women’s Open Category Four or Quad at the CDRA Championships
  • Retain Men’s CDRA Championship Single Scull Title
  • Have a Boat in the Final of the Women’s CDRA Championship Single
  • Have a boat in the final of NSW Championships in either U21, U23 or Elite category in any boat class

Masters Competitive Program

  • Enter a Men’s and a Women’s Quad or Four in the A-C age bracket at CDRA Regattas and NSW Masters Championships
  • Enter a Men’s and a Women’s Quad or Four in the D-F age bracket at CDRA Regattas and NSW Masters Championships
  • Enter a Men’s and a Women’s Quad or Four in the G and above age bracket at CDRA Regattas and NSW Masters Championships
  • Win Four Gold Medals at the NSW Master Championships